Support Site Seasonal Pool


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Support Site Outdoor Pool 



Navy Fitness Youth Swim Test

Swimmers ages 14-17 may receive a Navy Fitness Youth Swim License that allows them to attend the pool by themselves. This swim license is only issued with parental/guardian consent after the completion of a Navy Fitness Youth Swim Test. With the swim test, swimmers must demonstrate swimming of high excellence in order to swim alone.

In order to receive a swim license:
1. Parent/guardian must agree to the terms associated with the swim license and complete/sign a form.
2. Child must pass the swimming competency test while a parent or guardian is present. Child may only be tested once per day. Once the tester enters the water he/she cannot stop, stand or hold the wall or lane line until the completion of the test for the swim to be valid. 

To pass the swim test, swimmers must demonstrate the following minimum standards:
• 25-yard swim unassisted without rest. Swimmer is required to use a recognizable stroke -- breaststroke or front crawl.*
• Jump into the deep end and return to surface
• Tread water for a minimum of 60 seconds
• Exit the pool unassisted

*During the front crawl stroke, the swimmer must demonstrate comfort with the face in the water, breathing either to the front or side. For front crawl, the arms must exit the water with full extension on each stroke and the swimmer may not pause or stop. During the breaststroke, the swimmer must remain at the top of the water with their face only exiting the water to breathe. The swimmer must take a breath every one to three strokes. No underwater swimming. Swimmer cannot doggy paddle while taking a breath and may not pause or stop during test.

If the lifeguard administering the test stops the swimmer, the test is over and no license will be issued.

Swim licenses are valid from day of obtaining it until opening day of the following summer season.

To enter the pool area unaccompanied, the child must present the swim license and a valid ID card at the pool front desk. The swimmer will be issued a wristband. Those who do not present an ID card with the swim license will not be issued a wristband. No wristband, no swimming alone.

Sharing a swim license with another child will result in revocation of all pool privileges for both children. Swimmers who forget their swim license may retake the swim test, with a parent present, in order to receive a new license.

It is expected that youth swimmers respect the rules of the pool facility, comply with lifeguard/management instructions and practice safe swimming at all times. Lifeguards and management reserve the right to revoke a child's swim license if pool rules or policies are not followed. Parents will be notified and the child must exit and be picked up from the facility immediately. 


More details available here.


Navy MWR Fitness Drowning Prevention Campaign Through SPLASH, Navy MWR Fitness strives to educate parents and legal guardians on pool safety and the dangers associated with unsupervised swimming.

Stay within arm’s reach.

Protect your non-swimmers.

Learn to swim.

Assess swim skills.

Swim safely.

Hang it up.

Keep your child safe at the Aquatics facility.


Thunder and Lightning policy

In accordance with CNICINST 1710.3, the following is the inclement weather pool policy:

The Aquatic Coordinator, Swimming Pool Manager or Facility Supervisor may close the aquatic facilities for short periods of time without notice. Areas will be cleared of all persons during thunderstorms, electrical storms, and inclement weather. At the first sound of thunder or sight of lightning, the area will be cleared and remain cleared until deemed safe (approximately 30 minutes after the last rumble or sighting). One long blast on the whistle by the lifeguard is the emergency signal indicating all persons in the water shall clear the swimming area immediately.


Pool renovations

The Support Site seasonal pool is being renovated to add new slip-proof tile throughout the deck, a new slide, new diving board and new lifeguard stands. the renovation is scheduled to be completed by the time the pool opens for summer this Memorial Day weekend.


(photo taken April 30, 2024)


(photos taken March 10, 2024)



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